Look at all these overpaid usless so called football players.
Anyone could just run around and kick a football for 90 minutes if we were getting paid £100,000 everytime we kicked the football. What makes things worse is that all of the stupid fans cry and moan evertime they lose. Even when their team wins the fans still find something to moan about like "we should have won by more" or "that should have been a penalty".

This is why you should hate football to because it is poo.
Please Go on my Friends great sites.
If you don't like this site because you like football then tough. Comment on the debates page and then go and cry over how rubbish your team is especially if you are a Manchester City fan because you haven't won a trophy in 35 Years! HAHA! :D
All of the Tournaments, Leagues and Cups should be destroyed as well because they encourage people to watch football instead of playing out with your friends or anything else on the other things to do page.